Thursday, April 25, 2013

Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout 10%

Brooklyn 's Black Chocolate Stout was a definite eureka moment for me, as soon as I poured it I knew I was about to have my mind blown. While I have gone on to have bigger and better imperial stouts, there is few that can match this offering from Brooklyn, New York for value or availability. It weighs in at a hefty 10% ABV, so definitely not a session beer. It pours out inky black, with maybe a very slight hint of red towards the edge of the glass. On the nose, as expected, there's a big dark chocolate character, with warming alcohol. The taste again is all dark chocolate and bitter black coffee, which all comes from various varieties of malt, no chocolate or coffee is added to the brew. The alcohol is definitely present in the taste, but not in an obnoxious way.If you're looking to try your first imperial stout, i can't recommend this one highly enough.

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