Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Brewdog Hardcore IPA 9.2%

Lots of beer drinkers will get bitten by the craft beer bug after trying various Brewdog beers, such as their Punk IPA or their 5 A.M Saint, I know i was. But they do a lot more than session beers, such as this big boy. Its their take on an American Double/Imperial IPA, and hits the nail on the head. Depending on how fresh your bottle is, that is. A fresh bottle is a lovely floral, piney fruity beer, with the alcohol staying well hidden. The mouthfeel is medium to full bodied with a nice off-white head. These tend to sit on shelves however, so be wary of buying older bottles, because as with all hoppy beers, the hop character disappears over time, and what you can be left with is a sickly sweet, boozy mess. Not the most complex double IPA out there, but definitely worth picking up

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