Sunday, March 3, 2013

Brewdog Libertine Black Ale 7.2%

How long will it be until the term 'Black I.P.A' dies out? A black pale ale is surely a contradiction in terms. Name difficulties aside, it has become a very popular style as of late, with numerous breweries bringing out their take on this beer. One such offering is a newer Brewdog release, their Libertine Black Ale. Weighing in at 7.2% ABV it's a robust ale, not quite pitch-black as it's name would suggest, but rather a very dark brown, although it has the appearance in the glass of a traditional porter. My favourite aspect of this beer is how it confuses the brain. You expect big stout roastiness, but the aroma gives piney grapefruit notes, with some tropical fruit sweetness, with background notes of roasted malt and coffee. The style 'Black I.P.A' makes perfect sense as soon as you taste the beer, it sits right in the middle of a dry fruity I.P.A and a big roasty sweet stout, this is a very balanced beer. The medium to light mouthfeel makes it a very refreshing beer, and the alcohol is well hidden, dangerously so maybe. With Brewdog's recent expansion, this should become more readily available, although you should be able to find it in specialty off-licences and online. Highly Recommended.